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Assigning an Alias to the teacher instead of the proper name

In the event that the school, for privacy issues, needs to not show or partially show the name of its teachers, to its students and their responsible guardians, it will be possible both to assign an alias to them in their master records and to configure how their first and last names are displayed.
From Master Data → Teachers click the green button in the upper right-hand corner "Add Teacher" to add a new teacher, or click the "Menu" on a teacher's line and followed by "Edit", to edit an existing teacher.

Then enter the teacher's alias in the corresponding field and click the button at the bottom of the page to save the operation.
N.B. First name and Last name of the teacher are the only two fields that must be filled in.

Now navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to students and tutors and, from the "Show student and tutor teacher name as:" drop-down menu, choose one of the following options:

  • Full name, first and last name: By choosing the following option, responsible students and tutors, via App or Web account, will see the full name of the lecturer teaching their course
  • Name only: By choosing the following option, responsible students and tutors, via App or Web account, will see only the proper name of the lecturer teaching their course
  • The alias if present (otherwise the full name).: By choosing the following option, responsible students and tutors, via App or Web account, will see the alias entered by the school in the master record of the teacher teaching their course, if present, otherwise the full name
  • The alias if available, otherwise only the name: by choosing the following option, responsible students and tutors, via App or Web account, will see the alias entered by the school in the master record of the teacher teaching their course, if any, otherwise only the proper name

Click the "Apply Changes" to finish the operation.

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