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Transforming a course from flexible to regular planning

By transforming a course from flexible to regular, the remaining hours will be allocated according to its new default regular schedule.

Navigate to the general calendar, click the "+" button at the top right of the screen, and select the flexible course to be turned into regular from the new search field. Then click the Transform to regular course.

Enter the duration of the class and click the Confirm transformation to a regular course to complete the operation.

By transforming the course to regular, it will be placed in a suspended state from the date of the last flexible lesson scheduled. In this way, regular course scheduling can be activated, with first lesson starting from any date after the suspension/transformation.

Indicate the Date of reactivation (from which you intend to regularly schedule the remaining classes of the course) and enter:

  • Class day #1: the day of the week on which the class is held.
  • Classroom: the classroom in which the lecture takes place.
  • Lecturer: the teacher with whom the lesson is held
  • Start time: the start time of the class.

Click now Check Schedule to make sure there are no overlapping classes.

If the time slot sce is available, click Confirm Schedule to conclude the operation.

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