All posts in Teachers Web Access
This guide will explain how to configure Absence Types for teachers and their use within the system. To create the Absence Types you need to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to teachers: Then scroll down the page to "Categorizing Teacher Absence Types" . . . Continue reading...
A teacher can only edit/update attendance once the secretary has enabled the ability to edit it from Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to Teachers→ Extra activities per teacher In the field highlighted in the image above, several values can be entered: -1: as also indicated by the system by entering this value teachers will be able to . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to enable lecturers to upload teaching materials to their courses. To enable this feature you will have to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to lecturers: Once here you will have to scroll down to the "Disk Space Management" section and place a checkmark on "Enable . . . Continue reading...
For the Secretariat to enter Teacher availability and Absences follow this guide. Enabling Teachers to Set Up Their Personal Availability and Absences To enable Teachers to set up their weekly availability and absences, it is necessary to navigate to Configuration → Settings → Related Settings . . . Continue reading...
In the interest of time optimization, it is possible to massively send the invitation to use the Web Account to the registries enrolled in the Courses. Click here for guide to individual Web invitation sending. Navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Massive Sending of User Web Activation Invitations, there will be several options: In the first box you will be able to . . . Continue reading...
In case it is necessary for the Secretariat to verify a Student's account or to check that everything is working from their screen you can log in through their Account. To log in navigate to Master Data → Students at this point click on the user's name and click on the top right . . . Continue reading...
It may happen that the Lecturer needs to view the data of course students in order to contact them privately. To enable this possibility navigate to Administration → General Settings and scroll down to the Privacy Settings box and check the Contact Sharing item: Sharing will be possible if the Student from the . . Continue reading...
To retrieve your account password, you need to connect to your school's management screen (e.g., from here click the Restore Password: Enter your Email and press Restore Password The following confirmation message will appear telling you to check your email to retrieve . . . Continue reading...
In the event that a teacher does not have a smartphone or cannot use the ScuolaSemplice App for other reasons, it will still be possible to provide him or her with access to the school's dedicated Web system. Then navigate to the menu Master Data → Teachers. At this point it will be possible to pursue two different avenues: . . . Continue reading...
If granted by the school, Teachers can be enabled to manage their own classes independently, either from the App or from the Web. Permissions can be Configured on three distinct levels: Standard: Set from Teacher Configuration and apply to all registered Teachers By individual Teacher By individual Course Permissions . . . Continue Reading...