All posts in Configuration
This guide will explain how to create SDK Keys and place them on ScuolaSemplice so that users can conduct lessons through their WEB Area. In order to create the keys you will need to log into your Zoom Admin account and once inside navigate to Advanced→ Marketplace . . . Continue reading...
1. Academic Year Configuration The first step in order to be able to define specific periods within the time frame that comprises the Educational Year, we need to access Configuration → Educational Years after which we need to click on the blue button within which we can go to create the periods referring to the educational years: The order of the periods is . . . Continue reading...
To use this service it is necessary to purchase annual licenses, for more information contact us at This giuda will explain the procedure to be performed to integrate the teachers' class calendar present on ScuolaSemplice with the calendars of the e-mail services: Enabling the service for teachers . . . Continue reading...
1. Satispay Business Account Creation In order to set up the Satispay online payment system at ScuolaSemplice , it is necessary to create a Satispay Business account 2. Satispay Token Generation After enabling the Satispay Business account, you will need to find the Satispay Token by logging into your Satispay profile and requesting the "Activation Code" . . . Continue reading...
For more information on activating the package on Time and Attendance Management using QR Code contact us at: This guide will explain the process to configure and use Time and Attendance Management using QR Code: Configure QR code reader account Downloading the app ScuolaSemplice QR Reader Enabling the . . . Continue reading...
In the case of Teaching Class Collective Courses only, it is possible, during lesson planning, to create a shared schedule between two Courses. NOTE: It is only possible to share lesson planning for other Didactic Class Courses with duration in Hours. To perform this operation, it is necessary that . . . Continue reading...
In management systems equipped with Stamp ScuolaSemplice offers the possibility to enable the application of Automatic Stamping during online entry. To enable this feature make sure you have enabled the application of Automatic Stamping for Invoices as explained in this guide. Navigate to Configuration → Online Form: Then enter Edit . . . Continue Reading...
In ScuolaSemplice you can enable the conflict check for Students. This check, currently active only for Regular Courses, checks that all Students within the course you are scheduling are not engaged in other courses at the same time as the classes you are scheduling. Note: The . . . Continue Reading...
In the management system it is possible to disable the automatic control of classroom availability. Disabling this check will allow you to schedule two or more classes at the same time in the same classroom. NOTE: This feature will disable the check on all Courses and all Locations. Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Related Settings . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to set the logo and footer in the offer layout in CRM&Marketing. To do this you will have to access the section CRM&Marketing→ Offers: Once here you will have to enter Configuration via the appropriate button: Once here, scrolling to the bottom of the page you will have to enter . . . Continue reading...