All posts in Configuration
In the case of using many online enrollment via Online Form, it is possible to format the text that Users enter at the time of enrollment. This is to allow homogeneity in the master data entered into the system and proper formatting of the text in the data that the user enters. Note: The application of formatting is valid . . . Continue reading...
In order to allow users to register themselves on ScuolaSemplice directly from their WordPress site, it will be necessary in the first instance to create an ad hoc registration form on the management system that includes all the fields that users will need to fill in during registration. To do this you need to navigate to . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to customize all the entries in the management system. To do this, you need to navigate to Administration → Languages by entering Edit Language of Interest: This will open the complete list of headings and phrases within the System: In detail, each string consists of the original English phrase (unmodifiable) and the . . Continue reading...
In an effort to improve CRM management, it is possible to use the Personal Calendar to set Events or Tasks for registered Leads or for already enrolled Students. Note: Any Task or Event entered in the Personal Calendar is visible only to the owner. Note: Currently the Personal Calendar is available for . . . Continue Reading...
ScuolaSemplice makes available the use of a Public Display Board containing the Schedules of the Courses to be held on the day, so that they can be projected on a Smart TV or Public Monitor inside the Venue, useful for Students and Lecturers to quickly view the Time and Classroom of their classes. Note: In the . . . Continue Reading...
It is possible to enable Automatic Notifications regarding Questionnaires and Surveys. Navigate to Configuration → Automatic Notifications and scroll to the sub-menus Questionnaires and Surveys: Notifications regarding Questionnaires The options present are: Enable a notification to be sent when a quiz is dispensed by the secretary or teacher: If enabled a . . . Continue reading...
At ScuolaSemplice each user can customize their Web account by entering the language they prefer by clicking at the top right of their name → Edit Profile Data: At the bottom of the screen that opens, look for the Web Account Language box and select the desired language: The Secretariat can . . Continue reading...
In the interest of time optimization, it is possible to massively send the invitation to install the APP to the registries in the system. Click here for the guide to single submission of the Mobile App. Navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Mass Send Invitations for App Use, here click the Blue Send Invitations for App Use button: Note: . . . Continue reading...
1 - Configuring the curriculum The first operation to be carried out in order to specify in a curriculum that there are courses with elective subjects, is to go to "edit" the curriculum in question and enable the flag of the same name: Having done this, in the "manage . . . Continue reading...
To be able to Create or Edit the Academic Years present in management, you need to navigate to Configuration → Academic Years: This screen will display all past, present or future Academic Years: The year that has the words in parentheses "Current Academic Year" refers to the current Academic Year in the . . Continue reading...