All posts in Web Interface Administration
This guide will explain how to generate and massively send Invoice XMLs to the SDI. For more information regarding the module related to Electronic Invoicing, you can contact our sales department by sending an email to In order to proceed with the massive generation of Invoice XMLs, you need to enter . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to create SDK Keys and place them on ScuolaSemplice so that users can conduct lessons through their WEB Area. In order to create the keys you will need to log into your Zoom Admin account and once inside navigate to Advanced→ Marketplace . . . Continue reading...
This guide will outline the process to be followed in order to be able to break down the enrollees in a Plan of Study into the various Courses linked to it using Groups. First you will need to create a Custom Field that will need to be linked to the Courses table, to do this you will need to . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how you can Assign Name to the installments in an installment plan, first you will need to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Installments: Once here you will need to enable the option "Enable management and setting of installment name" which precisely allows you to assign the Name . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to configure Standard Discounts and how to apply them within orders that have already been issued. Configuring Standard Discounts To create a new Discount you will need to access the section Administration→ Economic Settings→ Standard Discounts: Once here you will need to click on the "Add New . . . Continue Reading...
This guide will show how to Set different teacher pay for each subject within an individual course. First you will need to proceed to create the course or template from Didactics→ Collective Courses/Individual Lessons: During creation you will have to indicate as Course Type or Flexible Course . . . Continue reading...
This guide will show how to disable the Sandbox (or mail in development mode) from your system ScuolaSemplice, if you need to enable it instead you can follow this Guide. If you have enabled the Sandbox in your system in the Dashboard you will see the following message: To disable it you will have to log in . . . Continue reading...
This guide will show how to enable Timeline view for the calendar in Teacher View. To do this you will have to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Calendar-related settings: Once here you will then have to enter the option "Enable timeline view where teachers are shown in rows and hours . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to enable teachers to enter private notes within student records. First you will need to go into Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to teachers: Then going under "Other teacher options" you will need to enable the option "Teacher can add private notes to the profile of the . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how Teacher Pay works in Lecture Carnets using Pay Classes. First you will need to go into Administration→ Economic Settings: Under Salary Classes for Practitioners, Roles in Courses and Exams you will need to create the relevant salary class . . . Continue reading...