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Activating conflict detection for overlapping student commitments

In ScuolaSemplice you can enable conflict control for Students.

This control, currently active only for Regular Courses., checks that all Students within the course you are scheduling are not engaged in other courses at the same time as the classes you are scheduling.

Note: The check is active only for Regular Course schedules. Changes to individual classes are exempt from the check.

To activate this function navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Courses in the tab General Settings:

Then scroll down to the section Manage calendar conflicts then check the checkbox "During class scheduling check to see if students enrolled in the course have conflicts with other classes in other courses."

Finally save the changes:

Nothing will change in the procedure for scheduling courses. At the time of scheduling verification if any Student conflicts are found it will show this message:

In the class preview, conflicts will be shown indicating the student involved, the course in conflict, and the class time:

ScuolaSemplice does not prevent you from scheduling the course but in case you want to avoid student conflicts you can repeat the scheduling operation and save the changes when no overlaps are detected.

Note: If students are enrolled AFTER scheduling the Course, no check will be made on these new students.

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