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Enabling and utilizing the personal availability and absences of Teachers

For entering Teacher and Absence availability by the Secretariat, follow this guide.

Enabling Teachers to Configure Their Personal Availability and Absence

To enable Teachers to set their own weekly availability and their absences it is necessary to navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Teachers:

Sa here enable the "Teachers can customize their own availability calendar" flag:

Teacher's setting of own availability and absences from WEB

Qualified Teachers can set their availability by clicking on Configuration in their side menu:

And then navigate the Tab Teacher Availability:

From here the lecturer will be able to set his weekly availability. Once completed, he/she must confirm the changes with the button Save:

To enter your absences you must navigate to the tab Absences:

Here you will be able to set your own days of absence e save the changes:

PLEASE NOTE: Entering absentee days does not automatically cancel classes already scheduled on those days.

Teacher's setting of own availability and absences from APP

Here are the steps to follow to set up the absences e weekly availability from the app:

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