In order to allow users to register themselves on ScuolaSemplice directly from their WordPress site, it will be necessary in the first instance to create an ad hoc registration form on the management system that includes all the fields that users will need to fill in during registration. To do this you need to navigate to . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to customize all the entries in the management system. To do this, you need to navigate to Administration → Languages by entering Edit Language of Interest: This will open the complete list of headings and phrases within the System: In detail, each string consists of the original English phrase (unmodifiable) and the . . Continue reading...
If needed, you can remove an issued and settled Teacher Payment (complete guide to Teacher Payment here). Navigate to Financial Management → Teacher Payment and next to the row of the Payment of interest click on "Remove Payment Record": This will revoke the payment and put it back in . . . Continue reading...
Split Payment allows you to Issue Invoices (usually to Public Administrations) without paying VAT as this does not have to be paid. The Split Payment can be activated within the Customer master data of interest in Master Data → Customers/Suppliers → Edit: If a Customer/Supplier has been enabled for Split . . . Continue reading...
In ScuolaSemplice it is possible to enable the Invoice upload flow by Teachers. So that those with the Ivato scheme can attach the Invoice to the payment request. To enable the feature navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Teachers and enable Enable . . . Continue reading...
In an effort to improve CRM management, it is possible to use the Personal Calendar to set Events or Tasks for registered Leads or for already enrolled Students. Note: Any Task or Event entered in the Personal Calendar is visible only to the owner. Note: Currently the Personal Calendar is available for . . . Continue Reading...
If your School uses an External Mail service to send mail communications to Users, you can configure the latter within ScuolaSemplice. Navigate to Administration → Send/List Messages → Email/SMS Settings: From the screen that opens under Email Sending Service, select SMTP Server: The items . . . Continue reading...
There are two paths through which you can go to add a new location; in fact, the two areas are interconnected. From the menu that is collapsed on the left side of the management system, you can access Master Data → Locations. Through this path you can directly access the list of locations, and then directly select Add . . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice allows users to Register and Login to the management system via their Facebook and Google accounts. To enable this feature navigate to Configuration → Integrations → Login Integrations via Social, there will be two checkmarks here: Enable Login via Google Enable Login via Facebook Once the services of . . . Continue reading...
For academies that make an evolved use of curricula, where there are curricula that are in fact a composition of partial/sectional curricula, it is possible to define "internal" curricula that define a certain part of the final curriculum. . . . Continue reading...