Sometimes students are assigned a unique identifier from an external entity, or through preprinted cards, or from a pre-existing management system. In this case, by entering a custom field linked to the student table and assigning it a unique code, a new option can be activated that allows the system to . . . Continue reading...
If a duplicate is found in the student master record, it will be possible to merge the two mistakenly added master records for the same person so that only one person remains. After the merge is performed, all related information, such as enrollments, tuition, orders, payments, invoices, etc., will automatically flow into the remaining user. Navigate to the . . . Continue reading...
In the process of defining a regularly scheduled course, that is, a course that provides the same schedule for the duration of its calendar, it is possible to postpone the definition of the lecturer or lecturers who will be teaching these classes to a later date, while still being able to plan the . . . Continue reading...
From the menu item Administration → General Settings, if any, you can enter your website, school Facebook page identifier and Instagram page. After you have finished filling in the relevant fields, go downstairs remaining in the same "General Settings" section and click the "Edit . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to enable five different online payment methods for receiving course fees: Paypal, Stripe, Komoju, Satispay and Amazon Pay. Students, or their responsible guardians, will be able to settle payments via their App at ScuolaSemplice or via Web Account. Note: . . . Continue reading...
To cancel a (scheduled) lesson from a flexibly/intensively scheduled course, there are 2 ways, either from the general calendar or from the course's own class schedule. Cancel a lesson of a flexible course from the general calendar Perhaps the quickest way to cancel a scheduled lesson is directly from the general calendar . . . Continue reading...
In the daily calendar by lecturers, the lecturers who have class on the selected day are displayed. When the checkbox to display all lecturers and not just those who have class is activated, the subject of interest can now also be selected. This will display only those lecturers . . . Continue reading...
To move a lesson of a flexibly scheduled course, one can act either from the general calendar or from the class schedule. Move a lesson of a flexible course from general calendar Directly from the general course calendar, there are two ways to move a lesson: in case the move . . . Continue reading...
In order to be able to issue tax receipts following the receipt of a payment. you will first need to have previously enabled their issuance from the company's tax settings. Click here to read the article on configuration. There are three ways to proceed with the issuance of a tax receipt. Issuing tax receipts from the section . . . Continue reading...
In the configuration of a funding fund and in the tab of each client company, the system allows you to customize some parameters regarding the creation and delivery of online meetings through Zoom. In particular, it is possible to customize the mode of student access, whether by login, by registration or ad . . . Continue reading...