All posts in Web Interface Administration
If it turns out to be necessary you can add additional pay items for an Approved Payment. Navigate to Financial Management → Teacher Pay and click on the blue pencil icon to edit the pay: On the screen that comes up we will find the Add Item box: In this part we should enter: Amount: Amount . . . Continue reading...
In case you want to edit, delete, or create fields in the Student or Tutor Master Records in a massive way, you can operate through the massive import of Master Records. Navigate to Master Records → Students and click on the three dots in the upper right corner that correspond to Menu → Import: Bottom . . . Continue reading...
In case two or more tax companies have been created in the system (click here to access the guide on creating a new company), during student registration it will be possible to choose which one to associate with the order. In case the wrong company was chosen, it will also be possible to change it later . . . Continue reading...
Under Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Tutors and Students: Scrolling down to the Notification of Absences to Tutors box, it will be possible to set the notifications that Tutors will receive when their children are absent from class: The two ticks that can be chosen are: Do not notify Tutors of absences . . . Continue reading...
By default, so without having configured anything for this purpose yet, teachers will be able to view their payments to be received and received, once they have been approved by the school (by clicking the approval button from the Financial Management → Lessons to be Paid section), with the status indicated . . . Continue reading...
In case you need to add an additional message to an Invoice that has already been issued navigate to Tax Management → Invoice List → Menu next to Invoice to be edited → Edit Invoice Attributes: On the screen that opens scroll until you find the Notes in Invoice box: Once this field is filled in . . . Continue reading...
As part of the Lecturer Payment, it is possible to enable the expense reimbursement flow kept by Lecturers. NOTE: To enable the expense reimbursement flow for Lecturers contact the business department at: Expenses incurred will be charged by the Lecturers themselves with a Tax Document attestation to be attached to the . . . Continue reading...
1. Adding an Additional Message in Invoice To insert a Note in the individual invoice follow this guide. In case you need to add an automatic message to be inserted in all Invoices you can navigate to Tax Management → Tax Settings → Edit next to the Tax Company of interest: Scroll to . . . Continue reading...
External Venue with no control over Classrooms is a Venue that does not belong to the School but is a course venue. This Venue will not contain any Classrooms within it and will have no control over overlaps of classes taught within it. To create it navigate to Master Data → Locations . . . Continue reading...
If payment of an active invoice was recorded after it was issued (i.e., an invoice issued manually with a payment due date or relating to an installment of an order yet to be paid), it will be possible to remove the payment record and return the invoice with status as . . . Continue reading...