All posts in Web Interface Administration
It is possible to enable five different online payment methods for receiving course fees: Paypal, Stripe, Komoju, Satispay and Amazon Pay. Students, or their responsible guardians, will be able to settle payments via their App at ScuolaSemplice or via Web Account. Note: . . . Continue reading...
To cancel a (scheduled) lesson from a flexibly/intensively scheduled course, there are 2 ways, either from the general calendar or from the course's own class schedule. Cancel a lesson of a flexible course from the general calendar Perhaps the quickest way to cancel a scheduled lesson is directly from the general calendar . . . Continue reading...
In the daily calendar by lecturers, the lecturers who have class on the selected day are displayed. When the checkbox to display all lecturers and not just those who have class is activated, the subject of interest can now also be selected. This will display only those lecturers . . . Continue reading...
To move a lesson of a flexibly scheduled course, one can act either from the general calendar or from the class schedule. Move a lesson of a flexible course from general calendar Directly from the general course calendar, there are two ways to move a lesson: in case the move . . . Continue reading...
In order to be able to issue tax receipts following the receipt of a payment. you will first need to have previously enabled their issuance from the company's tax settings. Click here to read the article on configuration. There are three ways to proceed with the issuance of a tax receipt. Issuing tax receipts from the section . . . Continue reading...
In the configuration of a funding fund and in the tab of each client company, the system allows you to customize some parameters regarding the creation and delivery of online meetings through Zoom. In particular, it is possible to customize the mode of student access, whether by login, by registration or ad . . . Continue reading...
If courses are scheduled that have been previously partially already delivered through manually scheduled Zoom meetings, it is possible to link those meetings to past lessons. Navigate the general calendar of courses by clicking on Calendar from the top horizontal bar of the ScuolaSemplice dashboard and, after locating the specific lesson, . . . Continue reading...
To provide Web access to a tutor/reseller (for example, to a parent who has one or more children enrolled) navigate to Master Data → Tutor/Reseller. At this point it will be possible to pursue two different paths: an automatic one where the system will create a random password and send it . . . Continue reading...
To change the due date of an outstanding payment, navigate to Financial Management → Order Management and click the "Manage Installments and Payments" icon on the entry order line for which to make the change. From the next screen, where the order's installments are listed, you will be able to edit the . . . Continue reading...
In case you need to assign a single lesson to several teachers at the same time, from the General Course Calendar, by locating the specific lesson already scheduled, you will be able to add one or more teachers to the current one. Then right-click on the lesson and choose the option "Edit . . . Continue reading...