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Is there a way to see an individual student's payment history and due dates?

To be able to view an individual student's tuition payments, both made and due, navigate to Financial ManagementStudent Tuition. At this point, by entering the name on the search field at the top right, you will be able to search for a student from the archive and view all payments related to them.

By default, the system will show payments yet to be recorded, but you can view the payment history by clicking on the drop-down menu at the top and choosing "Welded Payments" (By default, the system shows the "Payments Due").

Another method of viewing all payments still due from an individual student is by clicking the button in the upper right-hand corner Record Payment, again from the Student Fees.
By then entering the student's name, the system will display all outstanding payments with the total amount.

From this section of the system it will, of course, be possible to record partial payments that are outside the normal installment flow established in the order. (Click here for the FAQ on recording partial payments)