All posts tagged client companies
In order to do a bulk import of Client Companies read this guide. To create a Client Company navigate to Master Data → Client Companies: Then click on Add Customer Company: Note: Creating a Client Company automatically involves creating a Client/Supplier present in Tax Management. The master data present in Customer Companies . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to add a Unique Code useful for electronic invoicing to certain figures within the management system of ScuolaSemplice. Currently, it is possible to insert the SDI code in the Master Data of Students/Tutors, Client Companies and Preparation Centers. Add the Unique Code for Student and Tutor Master Data Navigate to Master Data → Students/Tutors → . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to do a bulk import of Client Companies by navigating to Master Data → Client Companies → Import Company Master Data. From here you can download the basic template that will need to be filled out: The empty template will look like this: The fields highlighted in blue will be required to do the import correctly: Company: Company Name . . . Continue reading...
Through Didactics → Reports it is possible to get an overall view of the reports that have been generated. You will first have to define the section from which to analyze the students; they can then be chosen from internal students or from a specific company. The second drop-down menu, on the other hand, will allow you to choose . . . Continue reading...
In the configuration of a funding fund and in the tab of each client company, the system allows you to customize some parameters regarding the creation and delivery of online meetings through Zoom. In particular, it is possible to customize the mode of student access, whether by login, by registration or ad . . . Continue reading...
In the event that there are duplicate master records in Fiscal Management → Customers/Suppliers for the same customer and/or supplier, you will be able to use the function to merge these duplicate master records, thus merging all the data and information from both into a single master record. Navigate to Tax Management → Customers/Suppliers and enter the flag . . . Continue reading...