All posts tagged online classes
To massively generate all the links to a regular course's online classes that will be held on Zoom or Teams, navigate to the course's class schedule by clicking the button with the three little stars on the course's row. N.B. The regular course will already need to have the lessons scheduled in order to use . . . Continue reading...
To make the interconnection between ScuolaSemplice and the Microsoft Teams online class management system, navigate to Configuration → Integrations and expand the "Integration with MS Teams" section. At this point you will need to indicate the type of interconnection you wish to make, being able to choose from: Pure integration via API . . . Continue reading...
For courses that feature one or more lectures conducted in a virtual classroom via Zoom integration, it is now possible to download the connection log, taken directly from Zoom. The log is available in the course's Lesson Agenda by clicking the little arrow next to the blue Export button, and then doing . . . Continue reading...
This mini-guide on managing distance learning (FAD) classes, is divided into the following sections: How host licenses work on Zoom Interconnection Configuration in ScuolaSemplice The operation of the secretariat Configuring inspection-type accounts for external course promotion bodies Lecturer side Student side (and/or responsible tutor) Connection to the . . . Continue reading...