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All posts tagged teacher payment

Accruing Payment to Teachers

It is possible to installment payments for Teachers so that the balance is recorded in installments. Navigate to Financial Management → Teacher Payment and click on the pencil icon next to the month of interest to enter Edit: From the Screen that appears click on the light blue Accrue Payment button: It will . . . Continue Reading...

Teacher transfer

To configure compensation for faculty travel, navigate to Configuration → Settings → Lecturer Travel. From this section of the system, it will be possible to create compensation classes for faculty travel, which can then be linked to the external locations where faculty go to hold their . . . Continue reading...

The payment of teachers

The first step regarding teacher pay is to configure their pay, either by going to create pay classes to associate with courses (or the teachers themselves), or by simply entering the individual teacher's hourly pay directly into their master file. To read the Wiki article related to . . . Continue reading...

The pay of teachers

When creating a collective course or course type, the system asks you to enter which type of remuneration you intend to use for the teacher, choosing from: Set manually: if this mode is chosen, enter the hourly cost of the lecturer for the specific course. Regardless of what the . . . Continue reading...