All posts tagged restore
It is possible from Financial Management → Lessons to Pay and from Teacher Pay to ignore a payment and, if desired, reinstate a previously ignored one. The procedure to be performed in Lessons to Pay is this: In an as-yet unapproved monthly payment click on Ignore payment of this fee: At this point the . . Continue reading...
To retrieve your account password, you need to connect to your school's management screen (e.g., from here click the Restore Password: Enter your Email and press Restore Password The following confirmation message will appear telling you to check your email to retrieve . . . Continue reading...
If for any reason you need to abandon payment on an order, you can do so by navigating to Financial Management → Order Management and accessing one of your orders via the blue "Manage Installments and Payments" icon. In this area you will find among the various options the one that will allow you to . . . Continue reading...