Decommission types/models of courses that are no longer needed
In the event that you need to remove a course type/model because it was entered in error or because you no longer intend to use it, navigate to Didactics → Group Courses or to Didactics → Individual Lessons. From the next screen, in case you have chosen the first path, click the green button "Create from template" in the upper right corner of the screen and choose the "Definition of course types". In case, on the other hand, you have opted for the second path, click directly on the blue button in the upper right corner "Definition of course typesi".
Regardless of the path chosen, you will arrive at the list of course types created, for both collectives and individuals.
Now, to remove a course template, click the trash icon on its row and give confirmation by clicking the "Continue" button. This operation will NOT have any effect on the course in progress.
N.B. In the event that you delete a type that has never been used to create a course (or that was never sold in the pre-enrollment phase), it will be eliminated altogether; on the other hand, in the event that you delete a type that has already been used in the past to create courses or to pre-enroll students, since it is no longer needed within your list, it will not be totally eliminated, but will only be deactivated, that is, hidden by the system and no longer usable. So in case you need to recover it because it was deleted by mistake, you will be able to do so by contacting the support team at ScuolaSemplice.