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Disenrollment of a Student from an Examination without Cancellation of Order

In case it is necessary to disenroll a Student from an Examination but there is no option to cancel the order (due to registered payments or issued invoices) you can follow these steps to Disenroll the Student from the exam by leaving the order in the system.

Note: The procedure is valid for both Standard and Cambridge Exams. The function does not yet allow transfer.

Navigate to the screen of the Transfers and Refunds:

Now on the left side of the screen Search for the Student to be unenrolled:

In the right-hand box search for the Examination from which it is to be disenrolled and after checking the order summary click on Disenroll:

And so on Continue:

A summary of the disenrollment order that will be generated will be shown, click on Confirm Change Enrollment to complete the operation:

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