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Entering an Unexcused Absence in Individual Lessons.

If a Student informs the School that he/she is unable to attend an individual lesson and the School does not wish to make up this lesson, it is possible to enter the absence as Unexcused Absence.

Note: This can also be done before the date of the Lesson.

Navigate to the General Calendar in the upper right corner of the management system:

From the Calendar choose the preferred view to operate in the course and select the lesson of interest with the right-click and select Insert Unexcused Absence:

A confirmation box will appear where Notes for Absence can be entered:

Clicking on Continue, we will complete the procedure. The calendar lesson will appear transparent, because the slot can be used for another possible lesson:

Within the Lecture Schedule of the course the lecture will result with the attendance entered. The Lecturer will be paid and the Student will miss the class.


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