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List of Questions and Fields that can be used in Quizzes and Surveys

This is a list of all the fields that are insertable within a Quiz or Survey:

Click here to read the Complete Guide.


  • Simple text: Adds simple text that can be used for open-ended questions

  • Checkbox: Allows multiple answers to a Question to be selected. The correct answers can be more than one.

  • Multiple Option: Generates a multiple-choice question where the correct answer is only one:

  • Combo: Allows the creation of a question with answers within a drop-down menu:

  • Comment: Allows the creation of a Text Input Box:

Note: Text is also provided as the correct answer for this type of Question.

  • Evaluation: Allows you to create a scale of Values, textual or numerical and choose one:

  • Boolean: Allows a choice between two individual options:

  • Image: Allows the insertion of an image:

  • Multiple Text: Allows the creation of a Question with a series of texts to be answered:

  • Bar rating: Allows the selection of one or more set stars:

  • Tag box: Allows selection of an answer by writing initials and choosing the answer from the recommended ones:

  • Editor: Allows the creation of Text through an advanced Editor:

  • Microphone: Allows you to record an Audio and save it within the Quiz:

Note: If the Quiz is completed by PC you must have a Microphone connected. The use of the latter will have to be authorized.

  • Single option matrix: Allows you to create a list of values from which you can choose only one option written in the columns:

  • Multiple matrix: Allows you to create a list of values from which you can choose only one option written in the columns:

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