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Configuring a Composite Study Plan

For academies that make evolved use of curricula, where there are plans of study that are in fact a composition of partial/sectional curricula, it is possible to define "internal" curricula that define a certain part of the final curriculum.
Composite curricula can then be defined, which will be those in which students will be enrolled and which can then compose over the various years the previously defined internal curricula.
This solution is optimal in situations where the student, choosing addresses and areas of study, will choose in essence from a predefined composition of curricula.

In order to create a composite study plan you will first need to navigate to ConfigurationStudy Plans and create the Plan of Study "parent" which will will house the various internal study plans that we will go on to configure later, remembering to check the option that identifies it as "composite" as such

Next, the following must be created the various internal Plans of Study internal Plans of Study that will actually make up our composite Plan of Study, to do this it will be necessary, again in ConfigurationPlans of Study to click the flag "Show internal Plans of Study (not saleable separately)"

In this section we will be able to create the various Internal Plans of Study that will make up the structure of the Composite Plan of Study, to do this we will simply create the structure of the plan remembering to check the "Not saleable separately" flag

With this Flag automatically the plan of study created will be "Internal" and therefore usable only for composing Composite Plans of Study., now all we have to do is to configure the internal curriculum according to our needs (to configure course association click here)

After configuring the various internal plans of study we will simply access the "years of study management" of our initially created Composite Plan of Study in order to associate the various internal Plans of Study created

Enrollment in the Study Plan will be done in the same manner of a classical Study Plan.

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