To export the First Note, navigate to Tax Management → Income/Expense and filter the transactions by period: And indicate the date range for which to export: Then click the Report/Export button: And press Download First Note: A Download of the File will be performed immediately and it will look like this . . . Continue Reading...
To export the Orders in the system navigate to Financial Management → Order Management and click the blue Export button: A side menu will open allowing customization of the export: Indicate how to Export Orders: Excel, PDF or CSV Standard Fields: Select which standard order fields to export. Fields . . . Continue Reading...
The use of Projects enables the planning and management of a Funded Budget divided into sections. Creating Roles in Courses and Projects First you will need to create Operator Roles in Courses and Projects. 1.1 Roles in Courses Navigate to Administration → Economic Settings → . . . Continue reading...
In order to do a bulk import of Client Companies read this guide. To create a Client Company navigate to Master Data → Client Companies: Then click on Add Customer Company: Note: Creating a Client Company automatically involves creating a Client/Supplier present in Tax Management. The master data present in Customer Companies . . . Continue reading...
In case it is necessary to disenroll a Student from an Exam but there is no option to cancel the order (due to registered payments or issued invoices) you can follow these steps to disenroll the Student from the exam leaving the order in the system. Note: The procedure is valid for both Standard Exams . . . Continue Reading...
The system allows you to massively clone Orders placed in the old Educational Year into a new Educational Year. This is usually the second step after the massive cloning of Courses that can be performed through this guide. Click here for the guide to creating a single quote. Please note: . . . Continue reading...
In case at the Order stage you want to add a Practice Expense item in case of a Student enrollment made from Secretariat navigate to Administration → Economic Settings → Student Enrollment Fees, here check the Enable Practice Expense Management: Then indicate the amount . . . Continue reading...
Through a special collaboration with Banca Sella, it is possible to enable tuition payments via Virtual Iban. This enables automatic reconciliation of payments in ScuolaSemplice which autonomously recognizes when the payment has been paid to your Bank by closing orders with the transaction details. Note: To request . . . Continue reading...
Enabling SDD mandates allows you to request a SEPA mandate from your banking institution to proceed with the activation of a mandate that sends the automatic payment to your Bank. 1 - SDD Activation for Account Management The first step you need to take in order to proceed with SDD setup is . . . Continue reading...
Daily Closing allows you to view receipts that occurred on the day (or in a range of dates) divided by payment methods. Note: Daily Closing includes movements related only to the financial part not the fiscal part. Therefore, all manual and fiscal movements handled in the fiscal part are excluded . . . Continue reading...