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Exporting Orders

To export the Orders in the system navigate to Financial Management → Order Management and click the blue Export button: A side menu will open allowing customization of the export: Indicate how to Export Orders: Excel, PDF or CSV Standard Fields: Select which standard order fields to export. Fields . . . Continue Reading...

Creation of a Client Company

In order to do a bulk import of Client Companies read this guide. To create a Client Company navigate to Master Data → Client Companies: Then click on Add Customer Company: Note: Creating a Client Company automatically involves creating a Client/Supplier present in Tax Management. The master data present in Customer Companies . . . Continue reading...

Configuring SDD Mandates

Enabling SDD mandates allows you to request a SEPA mandate from your banking institution to proceed with the activation of a mandate that sends the automatic payment to your Bank. 1 - SDD Activation for Account Management The first step you need to take in order to proceed with SDD setup is . . . Continue reading...

Using the Daily Closure

Daily Closing allows you to view receipts that occurred on the day (or in a range of dates) divided by payment methods. Note: Daily Closing includes movements related only to the financial part not the fiscal part. Therefore, all manual and fiscal movements handled in the fiscal part are excluded . . . Continue reading...