In case it is necessary for the Secretariat to verify a Student's account or to check that everything is working from their screen you can log in through their Account. To log in navigate to Master Data → Students at this point click on the user's name and click on the top right . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to enable automatic submission of an Attestation upon successful completion of a Quiz attached to the course (after a preset percentage of correct answers). 1. Quiz Creation First you will need to create a Quiz that is suitable for generating an Attestation. Navigate to Configuration → Quiz . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to add a Unique Code useful for electronic invoicing to certain figures within the management system of ScuolaSemplice. Currently, it is possible to insert the SDI code in the Master Data of Students/Tutors, Client Companies and Preparation Centers. Add the Unique Code for Student and Tutor Master Data Navigate to Master Data → Students/Tutors → . . . Continue reading...
If enabled, the Teacher can schedule lessons from Regular Collective/Individual Courses and Flexible Collective/Individual Courses. Scheduling a Regular Course A fixed or regular scheduled course is a course that provides the same weekly schedule for the duration of its calendar. To schedule a regular course schedule, . . . Continue reading...
Navigate to the section Teaching → Collective Courses (or Teaching → Courses if the two sections have been merged) and click the name of the collective course to access its tab. From the next page, scroll down slightly to the "Enrolled Students" section and click the "Export" button. After opening . . . Continue reading...
When defining custom fields in the user master data, the management system provides the option to indicate whether the specific custom field should be visible and editable by the user. The shared fields will be viewable by the user on his/her page from the personal profile. As a first step, it will be necessary to create the custom field to be applied to the master records . . . Continue reading...
In case it is necessary to enroll a Student in a single subject of an Instructional Class or Flexible Multi-Matter type course, it is necessary to activate the relevant setting found in Configuration → Settings → Settings Related to Courses → General Settings → For Instructional Classes, allow enrollment in a . . . Continue reading...
The ScuolaSemplice system in addition to the web system may also involve the use of a dedicated APP. Therefore, it may happen that during its developments agreed with the customer, the APP ScuolaSemplice (BETA) is sent to the customer and must be installed in his Android device. This functionality is not immediately accessible and does not . . . Continue reading...
You can create and edit a custom Report or Contract in Configuration → Contracts & Reports. To edit the report, click on the pencil icon next to the desired Contract or Report: Scroll down to the Download Current Template option: A Download of the template currently uploaded to management will be made. The template will . . . Continue Reading...
Note: To use the Automatic Distribution of Topics feature, you must first create Topics as explained in this guide. It is possible to enable Automatic Distribution of Topics in Courses, this feature enabled in the Subject allows ScuolaSemplice to automatically and evenly distribute all Topics in the . . . Continue reading...