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Substitute teacher function

From Configuration → Settings → Course-Related Settings → Lesson Management tab there is the checkmark Enable Substitute Assignment: From the course tab you will now be able to see and enable the Enable Substitute Assignment checkmark: From now on going to Edit in a lesson, either from the schedule of . . . Continue reading...

Configure teachings

Before going on to build the working groups and then the courses, it is necessary to configure the teachings andlink them to the subjects. In fact, linking the teaching to the subjects will be essential to be able to enter students on courses or to be able to add them later to courses already created. IMPORTANT:In order for the system to match . . . Continue reading...

Levels of learning

To configure learning levels, navigate to Configuration → Teaching and enter the official certification levels: Below, enter the school's internal levels, associating them with the official certification levels. Example: After correctly configuring the learning levels, it will be possible to associate them with an individual course or . . . Continue reading...