For courses that feature one or more lectures conducted in a virtual classroom via Zoom integration, it is now possible to download the connection log, taken directly from Zoom. The log is available in the course's Lesson Agenda by clicking the little arrow next to the blue Export button, and then doing . . . Continue reading...
The unification of classes at the same time, in the same classroom and with the same teacher, is something that can come in very handy mainly both to academies where there is a frequent and articulated intersection of classes from various classes that are held together, and also, for example, to music schools for . . . Continue reading...
This mini-guide on managing distance learning (FAD) classes, is divided into the following sections: How host licenses work on Zoom Interconnection Configuration in ScuolaSemplice The operation of the secretariat Configuring inspection-type accounts for external course promotion bodies Lecturer side Student side (and/or responsible tutor) Connection to the . . . Continue reading...
Please note: Generic classroom occupancy may be disabled in your system. If so, you can enable it by navigating to Configuration → Settings → Calendar-related settings. Among the various flags you will find the one that will work for you and that should be enabled for each branch To enter a generic occupancy of . . . Continue reading...
You can massively import course enrollments that are already in the system as course templates. To do this navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Massive Import of Enrollments from here you will be able to download the Excel file that will need to be filled in with student data by clicking the Download Template button . . . Continue reading...
In the event that there are duplicate master records in Fiscal Management → Customers/Suppliers for the same customer and/or supplier, you will be able to use the function to merge these duplicate master records, thus merging all the data and information from both into a single master record. Navigate to Tax Management → Customers/Suppliers and enter the flag . . . Continue reading...
In case you need to export the list of current course enrollees, i.e., students who are taking active and therefore not yet completed courses, you will have to navigate to Master Records → Students, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the screen, and then choose the option . . . Continue reading...
To export the list of courses and, if applicable, the corresponding enrolled students (in the same export file) navigate to Didactics → Collective Courses or to Didactics → Individual Lessons and, from the next screen, click the button at the top "Report/Export" and then "Export". IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the export of courses, you can . . . Continue reading...
Both when issuing an enrollment order and at a later stage, it is possible to add either a private comment viewable only by the secretary, or a public comment viewable by both the secretary and the customer (student and/or guardian/supervisor). The public comment will be entered by the system directly in the order receipt immediately below . . . Continue reading...
In the event that the school, for privacy issues, needs to not show or partially show the name of its teachers, to its students and their responsible guardians, it will be possible to either assign an alias to them in its master data, or to configure the mode of display . . . Continue reading...