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All posts in Master Data

Configuring Funds or Financing

To create funds or grants (if enabled) navigate to Master Data → Funds and, from the next screen, click the "Add New Fund or Grant" button. From the next screen fill in the following fields: Fund Name: the name of the fund or funding (required field) Fund Description: any description of the fund or funding Click . . . Continue reading...

Mass import of individual course registrations

You can massively import course enrollments that are already in the system as course templates. To do this navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Massive Import of Enrollments from here you will be able to download the Excel file that will need to be filled in with student data by clicking the Download Template button . . . Continue reading...

Massive import of faculty master records

To massively import teacher master records navigate to Master Records → Teachers: and click the green Import button: From the next screen, click Download to download the template for the massive import of teachers: The excel sheet will look like this: The only absolutely required fields to be filled in are . . . Continue reading...