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All posts in Web Interface Administration

Multi-branch module activation

For more information on activating the Premium Multi Branch Module package, contact us at: WARNING DO NOT USE MORE NAVIGATION CARDS FOR DIFFERENT BRANCHES Once the system has been enabled to use the multi-branch module the administrator account with full administration rights (Super Admin) will be able to enable the . . . Continue reading...

Change the colors of the calendar

The colors of future lesson slots that are displayed in the overall calendar can be changed. Under Configuration → Settings → Calendar-related settings you will be able to choose the type of coloring to be displayed divided by type of calendar view: You will be able to change the color shown for the following . . . Continue reading...

Settings and Zoom Report

To read the guide on Zoom settings for companies and funds click here. Navigate to Configurations → Integrations → Zoom Integration to access all settings related to integration with Zoom. A list of all virtual classrooms with Zoom email attached will be displayed at the top: The Zoom Authentication API . . . Continue Reading...