All posts in Web Interface Administration
To change the price of a tuition/hours/monthly package you will need to navigate to Configuration → Settings → Packages for courses delivered on a monthly, tuition and hourly fee basis. We will display a list of all packages created within the management system. Once you have identified the package you want to edit click on Manage . . . Continue reading...
Cloning Course Type In case you need to add a new course type/model, in addition to adding it from scratch, you will be able to clone an existing one and thereafter freely edit it. Navigate to Didactics → Group Courses or to Didactics → Individual Lessons. From the next screen, in case you . . . Continue reading...
Cell phone number and email address are two pieces of data that must remain unique, CANNOT be repeated in multiple registries, and should be entered only in the registry of the person to whom they actually belong, since they are precisely personal data. This is because, the cell phone number will be used by the system when using . . . Continue reading...
To add a good or service to an issued order navigate to Financial Management → Order Management. Next to the order you want to edit click on Manage Installments and Payments, from here select Reopen: Now that the order is reopened under the Adding Goods/Services or Discounts to Order box . . . Continue reading...
By default, the system assigns courses, collective and individual, a progressive random numerical code to identify it along with the name. In case you need to assign a specific code manually, without the system taking care of it randomly, you will be able to enable this possibility. Navigate . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to convert an installment payment to a payment outside of installments either when enrolling a student or when an order has already been issued. At the time of enrollment, once the Course or Good/Service has been added to the shopping cart you can check the Payment Out of Installments box: A . . will appear. Continue reading...
During the registration phase of a payment (when placing an Enrollment order, or a payment for an order already placed) it will be possible to enter which Payment Method was used to make the installment payment due, these Methods can be Created, Deleted or Modified. Navigate to Administration → . . . Continue Reading...
To record an output manually, you can navigate to Tax Management → Income/Expense and click on the top right in the orange arrow pointing down and click Add Simple Movement: The following screen will open where you can enter all the desired values: Once you have entered values such as . . . Continue reading...
In the event that a credit note has been manually issued for a previously issued invoice, it will be possible to link one to the other, as if the credit note had been issued from the invoice in question in the first place (click here to read the guide on issuing credit notes . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to change the venue of a course or individual lesson. Changing the venue and classroom of an individual lesson Navigate to the General Calendar and filter with the parameters to bring up the lesson we want to change. Once the desired lesson is found click with . . . Continue reading...