All posts in Web Interface Administration
In the management system it is possible to disable the automatic control of classroom availability. Disabling this check will allow you to schedule two or more classes at the same time in the same classroom. NOTE: This feature will disable the check on all Courses and all Locations. Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Related Settings . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to automatically send the email confirming the registration at the end of creating an order. The email that will be sent is visible and editable in Administration → Email/SMS Templates, the template with name "Sending order receipt". The PDF of the generated contract will also be attached in the email. To activate or . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to Restore a lesson that has been cancelled due to holidays. To manage holidays, you need to go to Administration→ Holidays: Here you will see the list of national holidays and those that have been entered into the system based on the holidays of client locations (for . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain the process to replace a private student enrolled in a course by acting from the order of enrollment. In order to make this change, it is necessary that both the enrolled student and the student who will take his or her place be connected to the same Parent/Guardian: By accessing the Students section . . . Continue reading...
In Online Forms, in many cases, it is necessary to enable the field for enrollment of a Minor Learner through Parent/Guardian. To do this, it is required to enter an appropriate field in the Online Form. To enter it navigate to Configuration → Online Form: Then enter Edit the desired Form: Scroll to the bottom . . . Continue Reading...
This guide will explain how to set the logo and footer in the offer layout in CRM&Marketing. To do this you will have to access the section CRM&Marketing→ Offers: Once here you will have to enter Configuration via the appropriate button: Once here, scrolling to the bottom of the page you will have to enter . . . Continue reading...
Note: This feature is part of the QR-Code Premium Package, for the list please send a request email to With the QR-Code package, it is possible to enable attendance taking without additional devices (tablet or smartphone), with only the Teacher and Student App. ScuolaSemplice will check that . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to create a multi-month package: First, one must access the Configuration→ Settings section: Then entering on Packages for courses delivered on a monthly, tuition and hourly fee basis, it will be possible to enter a new package by filling in the fields at the bottom of the . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to proceed with the creation and use of Pay-as-you-go Packages. Configuring the Enrollment Package Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Packages for courses delivered on a monthly, tuition and hourly fee basis. At this point you will need to create a "Pay-as-you-go" package, which . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to schedule lessons for an Open Carnet via Lecturer Web Account. For guidance on configuring Open Carnets and enabling the Lecturer to schedule them click here. Once the configuration is complete, the teacher will not yet be able to schedule lessons, it is first necessary for the Secretary to enter . . . Continue reading...