All posts in Web Interface Administration
In the case of Courses where Student attendance taking is not required, it is possible to disable attendance taking for individual Courses. Navigate to Didactics → Collective Courses / Individual Lessons: From here click on the Edit button next to the Course of interest: Then scroll down and check . . . Continue reading...
Instructions for Importing Reports After downloading the ODT Template of interest you can edit the File with lettering, logos and new placeholders of your interest. When you have finished editing the File proceed to load it into Configuration → Contracts and Reports and click Add Report, configurations . . . Continue reading...
Within the Student or Tutor master data sections, there is provision for deleting, moving, editing or adding to the various columns present. WARNING. Changes to columns that are made will be applied only to the user being used at this time and not to all users in the system. To perform . . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice enables the approval of Teacher-entered grades by the Secretariat to be activated. This allows for greater control of grades entered by Teachers and subsequent approval by the Secretariat. Note: Assessments being approved will still be displayed to the Student in "To be approved" status until . . . Continue Reading...
Following the creation of a Course Type or Template, one or more selectable Subjects can be associated with the Template. This obliges the Secretariat or those enrolling via Online Form to be able to select only the Subjects linked to the Template. To proceed with the operation navigate to Didactics → Lessons . . . Continue Reading...
This guide will explain how to enter the book turn unit during attendance entry, for guidance on configuring and linking books and units to courses click here. Turned units can be entered during attendance entry from both Web and App accounts. 1. Adding . . . Continue reading...
To display only students currently enrolled in courses, you will need to navigate to Master Data → Students: Then use either the "Student Status" filter and choose the "Active" option or the "Educational Years" filter and choose the current academic year: This causes the system to show only students enrolled in . . . Continue reading...
All users within the management system have the ability to set automatic session locking. This setting allows the currently open Session to be locked automatically after prolonged user inactivity. Locking requires re-entering the account password once the user starts using ScuolaSemplice again. Note: . . . Continue reading...
Note: Disenrollment does not affect the original enrollment order or payments due or already made. To be able to disenroll a Student from a Study Plan navigate to Didactics → Study Plans: Then click on the Students button under the Enrollment Management column: A list of Students will appear . . . Continue Reading...
In case a Tutor wants to enroll more than one person in the same Course or in several different Courses the management system offers the possibility to generate a Single Order. To do this, it is necessary to perform the standard procedure of creating an Order by selecting the first Student, Course and then . . . Continue reading...