All posts tagged payment method
During the registration phase of a payment (when placing an Enrollment order, or a payment for an order already placed) it will be possible to enter which Payment Method was used to make the installment payment due, these Methods can be Created, Deleted or Modified. Navigate to Administration → . . . Continue Reading...
To configure one or more company accounts related to the school navigate to Tax Management → Tax Settings and click the "Company Account Management" icon on the company row. Then value the checkbox "Enable management of cash and account balances" and click the "Add new account" button. Then enter: Account name: . . . Continue reading...
To change the payment method of a registered payment navigate to Financial Management → Manage Orders. From the next page click the Manage Installments and Payments icon (2nd icon) on the relevant order line At this point, at the bottom of the screen, you will see a list of payments received, then recorded, related . . . Continue reading...
To change the payment method of an issued invoice, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices / Credit Notes and click the Show Details icon on the line of the specific invoice. Now from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, choose the new payment method and click the button . . . Continue reading...