All posts tagged order
IMPORTANT: The file must be in .odt format and not .doc, so the use of word is not recommended. Rather, the use of Openoffice is highly recommended. This mini guide on configuring the school enrollment contract from ODT template, is divided into the following paragraphs: INTRODUCTION DEFINITION PLACEHOLDERS LISTS PLACEHOLDERS IN . . . Continue reading...
Orders in Financial Management → Order Management can be filtered by type. These filters serve to reduce the amount of information on the screen, showing only the type of order requested. Clicking on "each order type" will bring up a drop-down menu showing the various types available: . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to view payments that have occurred as a result of an enrollment via Online Form. Navigate to Configuration → Online Form, next to the Form we are interested in click the Show payments received item, the following screen will open: You will be able to view a lot of information including the Payment Method, Code . . . Continue Reading...
During the registration phase of a payment (when placing an Enrollment order, or a payment for an order already placed) it will be possible to enter which Payment Method was used to make the installment payment due, these Methods can be Created, Deleted or Modified. Navigate to Administration → . . . Continue Reading...
Entering a commercial offer To enter a commercial offer into the system navigate to CRM & Marketing → Offers and click the "Enter new offer" button. As a first step, choose the type of customer to whom the offer will be addressed between private and business, by valorizing the corresponding checkbox. Now type in at least 3 letters of the user you . . . Continue reading...
In the event that a student enrolled in a course wants to use different billing information than his own residency information, because someone else such as the company he works for is paying for the course for him, he need only go into his student record and enter the information . . . Continue reading...