All posts tagged zoom
This guide will explain how to create SDK Keys and place them on ScuolaSemplice so that users can conduct lessons through their WEB Area. In order to create the keys you will need to log into your Zoom Admin account and once inside navigate to Advanced→ Marketplace . . . Continue reading...
To be able to check the sending status and do a manual sending of invitations for a scheduled meeting on Zoom you need to navigate to the Calendar: Then right-click on the lesson slot. If it does not yet have the meeting started you will need to press the first . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to disable sending LINKS to access Zoom lessons. For more information on activating the Premium Integration with Zoom package, contact us at: To disable the sending of LINKS you will have to access the section Configuration→ Integrations→ Integration with Zoom - Lesson System at . . . Continue reading...
To read the guide on Zoom settings for companies and funds click here. Navigate to Configurations → Integrations → Zoom Integration to access all settings related to integration with Zoom. A list of all virtual classrooms with Zoom email attached will be displayed at the top: The Zoom Authentication API . . . Continue Reading...
In case you use ScuolaSemplice 's integration with the Zoom platform to manage virtual lessons, you will need your account to have a PRO host number corresponding to the maximum number of lessons that can take place at the same time. Click here to read the full guide. The . . . Continue reading...
The hybrid class option provides the option of taking a blended class, where some students attend classes in-person and others online. It is therefore possible to choose manually or automatically, which students can attend physically and which must connect remotely, while still participating in the same lesson. Note: The system . . . Continue reading...
In the configuration of a funding fund and in the tab of each client company, the system allows you to customize some parameters regarding the creation and delivery of online meetings through Zoom. In particular, it is possible to customize the mode of student access, whether by login, by registration or ad . . . Continue reading...
If courses are scheduled that have been previously partially already delivered through manually scheduled Zoom meetings, it is possible to link those meetings to past lessons. Navigate the general calendar of courses by clicking on Calendar from the top horizontal bar of the ScuolaSemplice dashboard and, after locating the specific lesson, . . . Continue reading...
For courses that feature one or more lectures conducted in a virtual classroom via Zoom integration, it is now possible to download the connection log, taken directly from Zoom. The log is available in the course's Lesson Agenda by clicking the little arrow next to the blue Export button, and then doing . . . Continue reading...
This mini-guide on managing distance learning (FAD) classes, is divided into the following sections: How host licenses work on Zoom Interconnection Configuration in ScuolaSemplice The operation of the secretariat Configuring inspection-type accounts for external course promotion bodies Lecturer side Student side (and/or responsible tutor) Connection to the . . . Continue reading...