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Accept or reject a lesson requested by a student

Following the booking of a lesson by a student (read this article to learn about the procedure) the teacher will receive an email notification (and an app notification if the user is logged in) in which he/she is notified that the reservation has been made, at which point the teacher will be able to confirm or reject the lesson booked either from the app or from the web

1a. Accepting/rejecting lesson from WEB account.

By accessing his or her reserved area from the web, the teacher will be able to see immediately the lessons booked by the students who require his or her intervention, then a confirmation or rejection

After Confirmation or Refusal of the lesson the student will be informed of the choice by communication via email and via app, in case of refusal the system will also include in the communication the reason for the refusal (mandatory request to the teacher)

1b. Accepting/rejecting lesson from app account.

By logging in to his or her private area from the app, the teacher will be able to check the various lesson requests in the "notifications" section and then entering the "lessons" section will be able to accept or reject individual lessons


After Confirmation or Refusal of the lesson the student will be informed of the choice by communication via email and via app, in case of refusal the system will also include in the communication the reason for the refusal (mandatory request to the teacher)

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