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Configure teachings

Before going to build the working groups and then the courses, it is necessary to configure the teachings and
link them to the subjects. In fact, linking teaching to subjects will be critical in order to be able to
place students on courses or to be able to add them later to courses already created.

In order for the system to make matches between students pre-registered for group courses and the course itself, it will therefore be
necessary that the teaching related to the subject entered in the purchase order be matched with the one
linked to the subject being taught in the course.
By linking the teaching to the subject, it will then be possible to link the internal learning levels of the
school and the teaching units of the books to the students' courses.

To add teachings navigate to Configuration Teaching and click the tab at the top Teachings.
Then type in the name of the teaching and click the button "+".
Teaching and subject may simply have the same name or or different names, indistinctly.

Teaching: English
Subjects: English, General English, Business English, Cambridge, IELTS, etc. etc.
In case this distinction between teaching and subject is not made, it will be possible to
call them the same way (e.g., both English) and still link them so that the levels can then be associated.

At this point navigate to Master Data Subjects and, if already present, enter edit of the subject.
Then link the subject and save the operation.


Click here to continue to the teaching wiki.

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