APP ScuolaSemplice - Enable Developer Options & USB Debugging
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The ScuolaSemplice system in addition to the web system may also include the use of a dedicated APP.
Therefore, it may happen that during its developments agreed with the customer, the APP ScuolaSemplice (BETA) is sent to the customer and needs to be installed in their Android device.
This functionality is not immediately accessible and it is not enough to transfer the *.apk file into the phone via cable.
One needs to enter inside the developer options menu, which is invisible, by default, on most Android devices.
Recall that:
Android is one of the most powerful and widely used operating systems for mobile devices and smartphones in recent years.
With Android it is' also possible to manage certain advanced functions, for example installation of application (files with the extension *.apk) not downloaded from the various existing stores but simply passed from a PC via a USB cable, or even downloading from other sources in the web.
It can come in handy to issue instructions directly to the system, acting from a computer.
This operation is made possible by the so-called USB debugging: a feature built into Android that allows devices to be managed from the computer, through connection via USB cable, in order to check in detail the behavior of apps under development or to intervene in detail in the operating system.
Then from device go to settings (gear icon), Developer options-> USB debugging.
Yes it is assumed that all developer options are used only by users with adequate technical knowledge, in order to minimize damage from incorrect settings. Programs that involve the use of USB debugging could act incisively on Android, so it is recommended to carefully consider what you are going to do and act only if fully aware of the consequences and if in contact with our development and support team.
Once you have completed the installation steps, please return to disable this feature, as it may be harmful in terms of security.
Enable USB debugging on Xiaomi
The first thing you need to do is enable Developer Options, so take your Xiaomi smartphone and open the Settings app, usually recognizable by a gear icon, and tap on the My Device item, which you find listed first. In this section tap on the All Specifications item and then tap several times on the MIUI Version item until the "You are now a developer" pop-up appears: if necessary confirm the operation by entering your device's unlock code.
To be able to enable USB debugging go back to the main Settings screen using the arrow button on the top left, tap on the Other Settings item and then on Developer Options. The first thing you need to do is set the toggle for the Developer Options item to ON (if it is still disabled) and then do the same for the USB Debugging item: confirm the operation by tapping on the OK button in the pop-up that appears on the screen.
Enable USB debugging on HUAWEI
Take your HUAWEI smartphone and open the Settings app, usually recognizable by a gear icon, and among the different entries present scroll down and tap on the Phone Info item. In this section tap several times on the Build Number item until the "You are now a developer" pop-up appears: if necessary confirm the operation by entering your device's unlock code.
In order to enable USB debugging go back to the main Settings screen, tap on the System and Updates item and then on Developer Options. Now make sure that the toggle for the item of the same name is set to ON and then do the same for the USB Debugging item: confirm the operation by tapping on the OK button in the pop-up that appears on the screen.
After enabling USB debugging, I recommend that you also enable connection via HDB. To do this, open the Settings app, tap on the Security item and then on Other Settings. In this section, set the toggle of the Allow connection via HDB item to ON and confirm the operation by entering the device's unlock code.
Enabling this feature will allow you to, for example, make a full backup of your device via HiSuite, a procedure that I recommend it to do if you decide to do some modding.
Enable USB debugging on Samsung
Take your Samsung smartphone and open the Settings app, usually recognizable by a gear icon. Among the different items present scroll down, tap on the About phone item and then on Software information. In this section tap several times on the Build Version item until the "Developer mode has been activated" pop-up appears: if necessary confirm the operation by entering your device's unlock code.
In order to enable USB debugging, go back to the main Settings screen, scroll down and tap on the Developer Options item that was previously not present. Now make sure that the toggle for the item of the same name is set to ON and then do the same for the USB Debugging item: confirm the operation by tapping on the OK button in the pop-up that appears on the screen.