Through the Global Enrollment Report, it is possible to export the number of Collective Course Enrollments made during a given Educational Year, including the current one. To proceed to export the Report navigate to the Didactics → Collective Courses section and click the Report/Export button at the top right of the page: And select the . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice offers a simple screen that groups together all Private Notes entered by Lecturers in the last 10,30 or 60 days that have been inserted in Course Lessons. To view this screen navigate to Didactics → Lecture Notes: By default all Private Notes entered by Lecturers in the last 10 . . . will be shown. Continue Reading...
ScuolaSemplice allows the export of the debt positions of all Students/Guardians within the management system. The file will be exported to Excel and will contain a list of all Students/Guardians who have outstanding past due installments. Navigate to Financial Management → Student Fees, from here click on the blue arrow found in . . . Continue reading...
Configuring Authentication via Google Authenticator In order to enable an administrator account to authenticate via Google Authenticator you will need to navigate to Administration → Administrators and enter "edit" of the administrator in question As highlighted in the screenshot you will need to enable Access Security by specifying to ALWAYS require access via Google Authenticator (automatically . . . Continue reading...
In the system you can enable autonomous registration of Client Companies directly from the login portal. To do so, navigate to Configuration → Settings → Company Account Management from here check the Enable standalone registration panel for Client Companies: A few settings will appear: Default VAT rate: Default rate for companies . . . Continue reading...
Teacher Configuration In order to schedule lessons in a Carnet the Teacher must be enabled. Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Lecturers and under the Lecture Carnet box check "Allow management and planning of carnet lessons": In case you want to give . . . Continue reading...
Both the Teacher and the Secretariat can enter attendance for lessons from Carnet. Secretarial Side 1.From Calendar Navigating from the calendar to any view that allows you to view the lecture right click on the lecture slot and select "Record Lecture Held": A pop-up will open to enter any . . . Continue reading...
In case autonomous lesson planning by Students is enabled in the system (for flexible or carnet courses), it will be necessary for the Registrar or Teacher to confirm the lesson taken by the Student (only if lesson confirmation is enabled, read the full guide). Note: At the time of . . . Continue reading...
Configuration for purchasing Carnets from APP Note: Open Carnets cannot be scheduled independently. To allow Carnets to be purchased independently by Students via App (currently it is not possible to purchase Carnets from WEB) it is necessary to: Enable the Carnets of interest as available for online sale. Navigate to Administration . . . Continue reading...
After creating a Client company, it is possible to configure Company access permissions. That is, what the Company can see and edit and what is hidden from it. Navigate to Master Data → Client Companies and click the Edit button next to the name of the Company of interest: From the edit screen scroll to . . . Continue reading...