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Global course enrollment report

Through the Global Enrollment Report, it is possible to export the number of Collective Course Enrollments made during a given Educational Year, including the current one. To proceed to export the Report navigate to the Didactics → Collective Courses section and click the Report/Export button at the top right of the page: And select the . . Continue reading...

Export report of customer debt positions

ScuolaSemplice allows the export of the debt positions of all Students/Guardians within the management system. The file will be exported to Excel and will contain a list of all Students/Guardians who have outstanding past due installments. Navigate to Financial Management → Student Fees, from here click on the blue arrow found in . . . Continue reading...

Configure Corporate Access Permissions

After creating a Client company, it is possible to configure Company access permissions. That is, what the Company can see and edit and what is hidden from it. Navigate to Master Data → Client Companies and click the Edit button next to the name of the Company of interest: From the edit screen scroll to . . . Continue reading...