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Export report of customer debt positions

ScuolaSemplice allows the export of debt positions of all Students/Guardians within the management system.

The file will be exported to Excel and will contain the list of all Students/Guardians who have past due installments that are still unpaid.

Navigate to. Financial Management → Student Fees, from here do click on the blue arrow present in the upper right-hand corner:

From the menu that opens, select the item "Report of customer debt positions":

It will immediately start downloading the Excel file composed as follows:

The top of the page will display the date of the export e the total amount of the debt positions.

The list of users is organized in columns:

  • Name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Cell phone 
  • Total

Under each user will be the details of his or her debt position:

  • Order
  • Installment
  • Issue date
  • Deadline
  • Installment to be paid
  • Student
  • Article(s)

In addition to manually exporting the debt position report, it will also be possible to create automation that allows it to be sent recurrently and systematically at set times during the month or week to specific emails ( Scheduled activity generation guide )

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