Zapier allows for automation within ScuolaSemplice regarding the automatic creation of new contacts. This integration is often used to automatically import/update contacts on ScuolaSemplice from one's school's website (WordPress site) as a result of a user's use of an online registration form. . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to record a partial payment of an Invoice. Navigate to Tax Management → Invoices, in the invoice of interest click Menu → Record Payment: Now in the Payment Recording section check the Received Lower Amount: Complete the remainder like recording a normal payment. Repeat the process . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to enable the Autonomous Booking Flow for Corporate Orders for the Student to book their course time independently with the possibility of acceptance by the Registrar's Office. The flow is structured based on these 6 main steps: Creating Corporate Courses Enabling Student Web Accounts . . . Continue reading...
If evaluations have been enabled in the system and in the course of interest, the Course Lecturer can enter them either from his Web account or directly from the App. Entering Assessments via Web Account In order to assign assessments to students, the Lecturer must go to the course and click the "Assessments" tab: . . . Continue reading...
To be able to specify a VAT Rate manually on each course, it is necessary to navigate to Administration → Economic Settings → VAT Rates and under the Default Rate box for the educational section check the Allow courses with different VAT rate: It is important, still on the same page, to create and configure all . . . Continue reading...
In the definition of an administrative account, the possibility of enabling limited access to the teaching part has been introduced, this implies that for the specific administrative account, it will be possible to specify punctually the courses to which it will have access. In order to enable the Limited Didactics feature, it will be necessary to navigate to . . . Continue reading...
it is possible to create a course template (Collective or individual) containing an agenda of the lessons uploaded via excel file, in order to do this it will be enough to create a course template and specify in the course duration "Import lessons from excel template" Checking this option it will be possible to upload directly into the template the file . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to installment payments for Teachers so that the balance is recorded in installments. Navigate to Financial Management → Teacher Payment and click on the pencil icon next to the month of interest to enter Edit: From the Screen that appears click on the light blue Accrue Payment button: It will . . . Continue Reading...
In the case of using many online enrollment via Online Form, it is possible to format the text that Users enter at the time of enrollment. This is to allow homogeneity in the master data entered into the system and proper formatting of the text in the data that the user enters. Note: The application of formatting is valid . . . Continue reading...
To enable complete monitoring of lessons, the Lesson Log section is available; this section allows you to see what operations have been performed on lessons and by whom. To view the Lesson Log navigate to Administration → Lesson Log: The screen that opens shows a history . . . Continue reading...