In an effort to optimize administrative timelines, it is possible to send App invitations to all enrollees of a course. Click here to read the guide on sending bulk invitations to the App to all registries in the system. Navigate to Courses → Collective Courses and click on the name of the Course of interest, . . . Continue reading...
In the interest of time optimization, it is possible to massively send the invitation to use the Web Account to the registries enrolled in the Courses. Click here for guide to individual Web invitation sending. Navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Massive Sending of User Web Activation Invitations, there will be several options: In the first box you will be able to . . . Continue reading...
Configuration Navigate to Configuration → Settings and expand the "course-related settings" section. Then access the "Post Attendance Rating" tab and enter the checkmark "Enable taking a new lesson at the conclusion of a flexible lesson." You will now need to create a list of reasons for NOT taking . . . Continue reading...
In the interest of time optimization, it is possible to massively send the invitation to install the APP to the registries in the system. Click here for the guide to single submission of the Mobile App. Navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Mass Send Invitations for App Use, here click the Blue Send Invitations for App Use button: Note: . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to upload Documents of Students directly into their Master Records. Navigate to Master Records → Teachers/Students or Tutors and click on the name, then navigate to the Documents Tab: Click the Add icon at the top right of the screen: Enter the required information: Title: Title of the File you are uploading (required). Description: Description of the File. . . . Continue Reading...
1 - Configuring the curriculum The first operation to be carried out in order to specify in a curriculum that there are courses with elective subjects, is to go to "edit" the curriculum in question and enable the flag of the same name: Having done this, in the "manage . . . Continue reading...
There are two ways to manage the student's part of payments related to enrollment in a study plan: through an entry outside the study plan or by tying the cost directly to the study plan. 1st mode: managing the cost directly from the study plan From the Configuration → Study Plans section . . . Continue reading...
1. General student enablement First you will need to enable general student enablement to be able to independently schedule their own purchased lessons by navigating to Configuration → Settings and opening the "Student and Tutor Related Settings" section. From the "Independent Scheduling and Purchasing" section, insert the checkmark "Allow . . . Continue reading...
Configuration Navigate to Configuration → Settings and expand the "Course-related settings" section. Then access the "Post Attendance Rating" tab. Now, to enable the feature that will allow faculty to rate the student's completed lesson in attendance entry, place the checkmark "Enable rating . . . Continue reading...
Checklists are divided into two sections: Student Checklists that allow for verification that participants in a course have certain requirements to participate in it. Course Checklists that allow you to verify that the course has passed all steps before classes begin or after they end. Configuration of Checklists . . . Continue reading...