The Cambry package enables the management of Cambridge Exams and Session Registrations. Through this extension you will be able to: Import official Cambridge Exam Sessions Activate public and private Exam Sessions for your Preparation Centres Allow autonomous enrollment of Students in Cambridge Exam Sessions via public calendar . . . Continue Reading...
In the event that a regular course with duration set with a certain number of hours or lessons, is not fully scheduled, it will be marked by the progressive bar under its name with a highlighted part with red diagonal lines. In addition, clicking on the course name for . . . Continue reading...
The colors of future lesson slots that are displayed in the overall calendar can be changed. Under Configuration → Settings → Calendar-related settings you will be able to choose the type of coloring to be displayed divided by type of calendar view: You will be able to change the color shown for the following . . . Continue reading...
If necessary, it is possible to enable Teachers to add Private Notes in the Student Master Records (Click here to read the guide related to Private Notes on Lessons). Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Teachers and look for the checkmark "Teacher can add private notes to student profile": . . . Continue reading...
After enrolling a Student in a Study Plan it may be necessary to exempt him/her from one or more courses in that Plan. Navigate to Didactics → Study Plans and click on the blue box containing the number of students Show enrolled: Next to the Student of interest click on Manage . . . Continue reading...
In case a student enrolls early for the following year, it is possible to have him/her purchase the Enrollment Fee for the next Educational/Solar Year directly from the Student Enrollment screen. Navigate to the left menu in the Student Enrollment panel and select the Student in the left pane: Active Fees will be immediately visible . . . Continue Reading...
Please note: Interconnection with Webex is a business module, subject to an additional service fee, the terms of which must be accepted before accessing the service: Webex licensing costs remain the responsibility of the customer in all cases Interconnection is between the ScuolaSemplice system and accounts . . . Continue reading...
When creating a Regular Course, it is possible to enable the "Classes are held one week on one week off" checkmark present in the course creation tab: This allows the Course to be calendared with alternating weeks, so one week the set classes will be held and the other will be ignored and . . . Continue reading...
To read the guide on Zoom settings for companies and funds click here. Navigate to Configurations → Integrations → Zoom Integration to access all settings related to integration with Zoom. A list of all virtual classrooms with Zoom email attached will be displayed at the top: The Zoom Authentication API . . . Continue Reading...
In case a Lecturer in your School is busy in a course at an External Location or in a course where Students are not registered in the management system and it is not necessary to mark their attendance, it is possible to set up a course without the need to register students . . . Continue reading...