1. INTRODUCTION In the direction of allowing the individual school autonomous management of certificates, attestations, reports, and other documents, the system allows for full autonomous preparation and activation of documents that will then be exportable for each examination. The report should be a template in .odt format, i.e. OpenOffice, . . . Continue reading...
Under Configuration → Settings, in the section dedicated to Courses, by entering the "Confirm Lessons" tab you can enable the function of confirming lessons. Once the check "Enable the ability to confirm lessons" is entered, it will also be possible to enable teachers. Once this function is enabled, on each course . . . Continue reading...
To enroll a student in an exam already taken navigate to Didactics → Exam List click on Show Exam Sessions: Next to the Exam Session we are interested in click on Show Session Slots: On the menu that opens, click on Add Enrolled in Band: From here type the . . Continue reading...
It is possible to do a bulk import of Client Companies by navigating to Master Data → Client Companies → Import Company Master Data. From here you can download the basic template that will need to be filled out: The empty template will look like this: The fields highlighted in blue will be required to do the import correctly: Company: Company Name . . . Continue reading...
Within the Online Form, in the path Configuration → Online Form → Edit you can insert a clickable link within free text in order to download a file to read (such as Privacy file, Terms and Conditions, various instructions, course files, etc...) Within Edit in the Online Form . . . Continue Reading...
It is possible to associate an order with two different types of installment plans for each asset in the order. This type of accrual is called independent accrual and allows you to create two different installment plans in the same order. To do this, when creating an order (which contains multiple course enrollments . . . Continue reading...
To access the payment schedule navigate to the menu Tax Management → Payment Schedule. Warning. The payment schedule in Fiscal Management, will include incoming payments to be received and outgoing payments to be made, only if they arise from active and passive invoices. So if an entry order, for example, does not . . . Continue reading...
Basically, it is possible to set the year in which a course is held in the current year or later years. However, there is a setting present in Configuration → Settings → Course-related settings → Years → Check on Allow creation of courses in past years: From this point on, it will be possible to choose . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to view payments that have occurred as a result of an enrollment via Online Form. Navigate to Configuration → Online Form, next to the Form we are interested in click the Show payments received item, the following screen will open: You will be able to view a lot of information including the Payment Method, Code . . . Continue Reading...
Suggestions for improvement of ScuolaSemplice Should you wish to suggest possible implementations that you find very interesting, there is a dedicated section in the management system through which you can do so. By accessing the main page (dashboard) and scrolling down you will find a box called suggestions. From day to day we make improvements to the system . . . Continue reading...