The best way to create a collective course on a weekly basis is to create a generic template (click here to read the templates article) from the Teaching → Collective Courses panel in the upper right corner click Create from Template and then Definition of Course Types click on the green icon in . . . Continue reading...
To change the date of an issued enrollment order navigate to Financial Management → Manage Orders and click the light blue "Manage Installments and Payments" icon on the affected order line. Next, edit the "Order Date" field at the top left of the screen and save with the icon . . . Continue reading...
Click here for the complete guide to creating Lecture Carnets. ScuolaSemplice allows overbooking of a Lecture Carnet. This allows the Student to book lessons even if the amount of hours in the Carnet he/she has purchased has ended. Hours in excess of the original Carnet will be placed in . . . Continue reading...
To make the interconnection between ScuolaSemplice and the Microsoft Teams online class management system, navigate to Configuration → Integrations and expand the "Integration with MS Teams" section. At this point you will need to indicate the type of interconnection you wish to make, being able to choose from: Pure integration via API . . . Continue reading...
To attach a link to a lesson, either completed or yet to be completed, that allows the user to download external resources, you will need to access the course's lesson schedule by clicking the 3-star icon on the course's row. At this point, it will be possible to attach a link to a lesson . . . Continue reading...
To retrieve your account password, you need to connect to your school's management screen (e.g., from here click the Restore Password: Enter your Email and press Restore Password The following confirmation message will appear telling you to check your email to retrieve . . . Continue reading...
At ScuolaSemplice you can create an Online Form with the option of making it Mandatory to reload the signed contract. Click here to read this guide for creating an Online Form. In Configuration → Online Form→ Edit there is the checkmark Signed Contract Reload: Other checkmarks are also enabled: . . . Continue reading...
To issue a partial credit note on an invoice, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes. Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice you wish to partially write off, followed by the "Invoice and Payment Details" option. From the next screen, you will need to navigate down to the "Due Date" section . . . Continue reading...
The expendable carnet of lessons on group courses, is a package of a certain predefined number of hours, which can be used to participate in individual scheduled lessons of one or more group courses. Creating the carnet As a first step you will need to create the spendable carnet for individual classes . . . Continue reading...
In order to allow two or more teachers to enter their attendance in the same class, you will first need to enable the function related to teacher co-presence. Then navigate from the main menu of ScuolaSemplice to Configuration → Settings and expand the "Course-related settings" section. THEN, by entering the tab . . . Continue reading...