IMPORTANT: The file must be in .odt format and not .doc, so the use of word is not recommended. Instead, it is highly recommended to use Openoffice This mini-guide on generating certificates, certifications, course reports and other documents from .odt template is divided into the following paragraphs: INTRODUCTION PLACEHOLDER DEFINITION LISTS . . Continue reading...
If courses are scheduled that have been previously partially already delivered through manually scheduled Zoom meetings, it is possible to link those meetings to past lessons. Navigate the general calendar of courses by clicking on Calendar from the top horizontal bar of the ScuolaSemplice dashboard and, after locating the specific lesson, . . . Continue reading...
To provide Web access to a tutor/reseller (for example, to a parent who has one or more children enrolled) navigate to Master Data → Tutor/Reseller. At this point it will be possible to pursue two different paths: an automatic one where the system will create a random password and send it . . . Continue reading...
To change the due date of an outstanding payment, navigate to Financial Management → Order Management and click the "Manage Installments and Payments" icon on the entry order line for which to make the change. From the next screen, where the order's installments are listed, you will be able to edit the . . . Continue reading...
In case you need to assign a single lesson to several teachers at the same time, from the General Course Calendar, by locating the specific lesson already scheduled, you will be able to add one or more teachers to the current one. Then right-click on the lesson and choose the option "Edit . . . Continue reading...
To create funds or grants (if enabled) navigate to Master Data → Funds and, from the next screen, click the "Add New Fund or Grant" button. From the next screen fill in the following fields: Fund Name: the name of the fund or funding (required field) Fund Description: any description of the fund or funding Click . . . Continue reading...
For courses financed by some fund, or accredited by public institutions such as regions, especially if the course is conducted through Distance Learning, the monitoring body requires the possibility of monitoring activities, through some mode. To create one or more accounts of type . . . Continue reading...
To configure automatic sending of upcoming lesson reminders to students and/or tutors, navigate to Configuration → Settings and expand the "Settings related to students and tutors" section. Now from the "Upcoming Lesson Reminders" section, enable the checkbox "Enable reminder sending service to course participants." CAUTION: Enabling reminders . . . Continue reading...
To remove or disable a classroom that is no longer used by the school for class scheduling so that it no longer appears on the calendar, navigate to Master Data → Classrooms. From the next screen, click the trash icon on the row of the affected classroom. At this point, 3 different situations may arise: the classroom can neither be . . . Continue reading...
This mini-guide on generating reports from student master records using the .odt template is divided into the following sections: INTRODUCTION DEFINING PLACEHOLDERS LISTS OF PLACEHOLDERS IN TABLES CONDITIONAL BLOCKS LIST OF AVAILABLE PLACEHOLDERS UPLOADING ODT TEMPLATE TO SYSTEM USING CONTRACT TEMPLATE 1. INTRODUCTION In the direction of enabling the . . . Continue reading...