There are three ways to issue an invoice: 1. navigate to Fiscal Management → Invoices / Credit Notes and click the green button at the top Issue Invoice / Credit Notes. Then enter the name of the responsible student or guardian (use the "Client" field instead if . . . Continue reading...
To record a payment as settled, after issuing the invoice for it (thus as to be settled), navigate to Tax Management → Invoices / Credit Notes. On the line of the invoice yet to be settled, click the second icon. Then enter: Status*: flag the payment to be recorded as paid (in the . . . Continue reading...
To enter payment terms into the system, navigate si Fiscal Management → Expenditure Master. Click the little arrow on the green button in the upper right corner "Add Expense Item" and then choose "Payment Terms". Then enter: Name: payment term name Description: payment term description Installments: number of . . . Continue reading...
The system allows you to issue a single invoice for multiple orders and/or payments as long as they are in the same person's name. Navigate to Fiscal Management → Invoices / Credit Notes and click the green button at the top Issue Invoice / Credit Notes. Then enter the name of the student or guardian . . . Continue reading...
Disenrollment from Transfers and Refunds To disenroll a student from a course, group or individual, navigate to Transfers and Refunds from the main menu: Enter the Name of the student and select the Course from which you intend to disenroll him/her: The student's financial status related to the selected course will then be shown, i.e. . . . Continue reading...
Especially in case you need to align the system with collective courses that have already started in the past, you can massively import student enrollments Navigate to Administration → Massive Actions and expand the second section Massive Import of Students. Click "Download blank template" to download . . . Continue reading...
In the case of both collective and individual, once a course has ended, deletion of enrollees from the course will occur automatically; it will not be necessary to disenroll them. Nor will it be necessary to remove the student's record from the history, which will remain on the system's database, but the student will be . . . Continue reading...
Unlike group courses, which must be created prior to student enrollment, individual courses, since they are courses for the individual, are created with student enrollment via purchase order. For the creation of individual courses, it is necessary as a first step to define the various types . . . Continue reading...
Group courses are group courses usually with regular scheduling, involving a certain fixed weekly schedule, usually with the same teacher, and a group of students participating in the course. In cases where the same type of course involves multiple classes of students with . . . Continue reading...
Collective courses are group courses generally with regular scheduling, involving a certain fixed weekly schedule, usually with the same teacher, and a group of students participating in the course. In the case where the same type of regular group course involves several classes of . . . Continue reading...