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Configuration of payment terms

To enter payment terms into the system, navigate si Fiscal Management → Expenditure Master. Click the little arrow on the green button in the upper right corner "Add Expense Item" and then choose "Payment Terms". Then enter: Name: payment term name Description: payment term description Installments: number of . . . Continue reading...

Disenrollment of a student from a course

Disenrollment from Transfers and Refunds To disenroll a student from a course, group or individual, navigate to Transfers and Refunds from the main menu: Enter the Name of the student and select the Course from which you intend to disenroll him/her: The student's financial status related to the selected course will then be shown, i.e. . . . Continue reading...

What to do when the same regular group course has different groups of students at different times

Collective courses are group courses generally with regular scheduling, involving a certain fixed weekly schedule, usually with the same teacher, and a group of students participating in the course. In the case where the same type of regular group course involves several classes of . . . Continue reading...