This guide will explain how to create a multi-month package: First, one must access the Configuration→ Settings section: Then entering on Packages for courses delivered on a monthly, tuition and hourly fee basis, it will be possible to enter a new package by filling in the fields at the bottom of the . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to proceed with the creation and use of Pay-as-you-go Packages. Configuring the Enrollment Package Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Packages for courses delivered on a monthly, tuition and hourly fee basis. At this point you will need to create a "Pay-as-you-go" package, which . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to Enable Automatic Attendance Taking for classes that have been held on Zoom. For more information on activating the Premium Integration with Zoom package, contact us at: To activate this option you will need to go to Configuration→ Integrations→ Integration with Zoom - . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to schedule lessons for an Open Carnet via Lecturer Web Account. For guidance on configuring Open Carnets and enabling the Lecturer to schedule them click here. Once the configuration is complete, the teacher will not yet be able to schedule lessons, it is first necessary for the Secretary to enter . . . Continue reading...
If you wish to link one or more predefined installment plans to the cumulative offer, which would go to split the annual cost of the offer, thus with installment amounts and due dates always the same for all students who will purchase the offer, you will first need to create the cost of the offer through the . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain the process to be followed to import Expense Invoices into the Expense Master. To perform this import you will have to go into Tax Management→ Expense Master: Once in this section you will have to click on the button next to "Add Expense Item" and click on "Set XML Invoices": It will . . . Continue reading...
This guide will show how to massively link all teachers to all subjects in the system. In order to do this, you will need to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to teachers and under the heading Other teacher options you will need to put a check mark on "Link teachers to all . . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice offers the ability to change the enrolled user of an enrollment order for a Collective Course, this allows with ease to correct or change at a later stage of order generation the beneficiary user of an Enrollment. NOTE: This procedure allows the enrolled Student of an order to be changed only with . . . Continue Reading...
It is possible to enable an expiration date for issued Certificates. This is particularly useful for all those Certificates that require renewal after a certain period of time. By enabling the expiration date, it is also possible to set up a series of automatic notifications as explained in this guide. For . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain the differences between a Regular, Flexible, or Instructional Class planned course and their main uses. When creating a Course or Course Template, it is possible to indicate via a drop-down menu the type of course we want to create: . . . Continue reading...