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All posts in Web Interface Administration

Configure Corporate Access Permissions

After creating a Client company, it is possible to configure Company access permissions. That is, what the Company can see and edit and what is hidden from it. Navigate to Master Data → Client Companies and click the Edit button next to the name of the Company of interest: From the edit screen scroll to . . . Continue reading...

Partial payment in Invoice

It is possible to record a partial payment of an Invoice. Navigate to Tax Management → Invoices, in the invoice of interest click Menu → Record Payment: Now in the Payment Recording section check the Received Lower Amount: Complete the remainder like recording a normal payment. Repeat the process . . . Continue reading...

Importing lessons from a flexible/intensive course

it is possible to create a course template (Collective or individual) containing an agenda of the lessons uploaded via excel file, in order to do this it will be enough to create a course template and specify in the course duration "Import lessons from excel template" Checking this option it will be possible to upload directly into the template the file . . . Continue reading...