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All posts in Web Interface Administration

Configuring Payment Methods

During the registration phase of a payment (when placing an Enrollment order, or a payment for an order already placed) it will be possible to enter which Payment Method was used to make the installment payment due, these Methods can be Created, Deleted or Modified. Navigate to Administration → . . . Continue Reading...

Change the venue and classroom for conducting a course or individual lecture

It is possible to edit the venue of a course or an individual lesson. The process for editing the individual lesson is this: Navigate to the General Calendar and filter with the parameters to bring up the lesson we want to edit. Once the desired lesson is found click with the . . Continue reading...

Delete an issued invoice

To delete an erroneously issued invoice, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes: Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice in question and below choose the "Remove Invoice/Credit Note" option: Following the deletion of the invoice, it will be automatically disconnected from the order and payments, allowing . . . Continue reading...