All posts in Web Interface Administration
Edit the classroom of a regular course lecture from the Lecture Calendar To edit the classroom of an individual course lecture from the Lecture Calendar, go to the course row and click the 2nd Lecture Calendar icon. From the next screen click the edit icon (1st icon) of the relevant lesson . . . Continue reading...
To change the maximum limit of 180 minutes per lesson, navigate to Configuration → Settings. From the next page, enter on the "Course-related settings" section and enter the desired number of minutes in the space provided "Maximum length of a lesson (in minutes)." Save the operation by clicking "Apply Changes."
By transforming a course from regular to flexible, the remaining hours can be freely allocated in agreement with the student. The course will no longer have its own predefined schedule. To make this transformation, the duration of the course must be set as "Total number of hours." It will be necessary in the first instance to suspend . . . Continue reading...
To change the instructor of a regular course that has not yet been scheduled, navigate to Didactics → Group Courses/Individual Lessons. Locate the affected course and click the Edit icon (1st icon). From the next screen scroll to the Course Teacher (multiple teachers)* field and choose the new teacher, who must have previously been . . . Continue reading...
To change the schedule of a regular course (classroom in which the course is held, time, day, etc.) there are two ways, either directly from the general calendar or from the class schedule of the course. Moving the schedule of a regular course from the general calendar To change the schedule of a course to . . . Continue reading...
From the course tab it will be possible to both close and delete a course. Clicking the Close Course button will allow you to close a course regardless of whether it is completed or not. Following closure, the course will still be present on the course list but highlighted in gray and not editable, it will be . ... Continue reading...
Note: You will not be able to remove a course schedule if you have entered attendance on classes (even just one). Click here for the article on removing attendance. To delete a course schedule navigate to Didactics → Collective Courses / Individual Courses: Locate the course in question and click . . . Continue reading...
Associating a color with the subject when creating it can come in very handy when viewing calendar courses. To associate a color with a subject navigate to Master Data → Subjects. After associating a color, the calendar slot will be highlighted in the color of the subject matter of the course, . . . Continue reading...
To restore a cancelled lesson, navigate to the course in question from the Teaching menu and click the second Lesson Schedule icon. Click the green Maintenance button at the top followed by "Show Maintenance Options." Then click the Cancel Lesson icon on the line of the cancelled lesson to restore it. In case . . . Continue reading...
To change the date of a lesson in a regularly scheduled course there are three ways: 1. Navigate to Didactics → Collective Courses / Individual Lessons → Lesson Schedule. Next to the lesson of interest click the edit icon. Click the option "Choose a new date and time now" . . . Continue reading...